1. What makes Rockwall FMC different?
The RFMC family is a group of imperfect people who have been brought together by the grace of God to be transformed by Him so that we might live like Jesus and do what He did.
2. What are your worship gatherings like?
We work hard to make sure every service is relevant to your life. Someone will greet you as you arrive. Feel free to sit where you want. During our worship gatherings, you will experience both contemporary and traditional music and hear messages that present the timeless truths of the Bible that can be easily understood and applied to your daily life.
3. What about my children?
We provide nursery care for birth through age 4 during our 10:45 a.m. Celebration in Worship. Also during Celebration in Worship, children who are age 4 through the 4th grade are invited to attend Junior Church. Sunday School is offered for all children through 6th grade at 9:45 a.m.
4. What do you have for junior high and high school students?
Check out our
Youth Page.
5. Does RFMC have a set of core beliefs?
Yes, please see our
Beliefs page.
6. Will I have to say anything, give anything, or be singled out in any way?
No. If you are our guest, we won't ask you to wear a sticker or stand up or stand out in any way. As a newcomer, we don't ask that you give a dime in our offering. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to be, but we do encourage you to come for several weeks so that you can see all that is going on at RFMC. We would like you to fill out one of our Communication Cards so that we can get more information about RFMC to you.
7. Does RFMC have a governing board?
Yes. RFMC has a Leadership Council, also known as the Official Board. It is comprised of the Pastoral Team and eight lay members of the church.
8. Is RFMC connected with a denominational family?
RFMC is a part of the Free Methodist denominational church family which has nearly 800,000 members worldwide. Free Methodists emphasize faithfulness to the authority of the Bible, personal and social holiness, deep devotion to Bible study and application, and discipleship. For more information, go to:
9. What do I wear?
Dress comfortably. Wear anything from casual to Sunday best.
"Following JESUS with Purpose and Passion"
© 2019 Rockwall Free Methodist Church
315 Dalton Road, Rockwall, TX 75087
(972) 772-7577
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